সূচনা- Conjunction কাকে বলে পোষ্টে আমরা আজ জানবো সংজ্ঞাসহ ব্যাখ্যা সাথে প্রতিটি প্রশ্ন সমস্যা সমাধান সহ বিস্তারিত। খুব সহজ ভাবে প্রতিটি ব্যাখ্যা বুঝতে পারবো। তাহলে চলুন দেখা যাক-
Conjunction অর্থ হলো একত্র সংযোগ অর্থাৎ এরা Words, Phrase, Clauses, Sentences কে যুক্ত বা একত্রিত করে। তাহলে আমরা সহজেই বলতে পারি,
Conjunction কাকে বলে
যে Word দুই বা ততোধিক Words, Phrase, Clauses, Sentences কে যুক্ত করে তাদেরকে Conjunction বলে। যেমন: And, But, As, So, or, Yet, Either, Neither, After, Before, Since, So that, That ইত্যাদি Words Conjunction রূপে ব্যবহৃত হয়।
Conjunction কত প্রকার
Conjunction প্রধানত ৩ প্রকার। সেগুলো হলো-
- Co-ordinating Conjunction
- Subordination Conjunction
- Correlative Conjunction
Coordinating Conjunction – what is Coordinating Conjunction
যে সকল Words সমজাতীয় Words, Phrase, Clauses, Sentences কে যুক্ত করে তাদেরকে Co-ordinating Conjunction বলা হয়।
Con-ordinating Conjunction হলো: And, but, for, nor, or, so, and yet ইত্যাদি।
এগুলিকে সহজে মনে রাখার উপায় হলো FANBOYS অর্থাৎ,
F = for
A = and
N = nor
B = but
O = or
Y = yet
S = so
Coordinating Conjunction example
- Karim and Rahim are good friends.
- Her two favorite sports are football and tennis.
- I like coffee, but my sister prefers tea.
- I like living in the village but my brother prefers living in the city.
- Karim is fifty-five, yet he still runs, swims, and plays football regularly.
Subordinating Conjunction – subordinating conjunction কাকে বলে
যে Conjunction গুলি Subordinating Clause কে Principle Clause/Main Clause এর সাথে যুক্ত করে তাদেরকে Subordination Conjunction বলে।
Subordination Conjunction গুলি হলো:
After | Even though | Though | Since | Why |
Before | As | That | Provided That | While |
Because | If | So that | Rather than | Until |
Although | In order to | Than | When | Where |
Even if | Unless | Once | Whenever | Wherever |
Whether | Whereas |
subordinating conjunction examples
- Rahim is smarter than Karim.
- I will not go out if it rains.
- I prefer to sleep while my children are at school.
- Shabrina was uncertain whether to stay or leave.
- My mother believes that I should be a footballer.
Correlative Conjunction – correlative conjunction কাকে বলে
এই Conjunction গুলি জোড়ায় জোড়ায় ব্যবহৃত হয় অর্থাৎ একটি ব্যবহৃত হলে অপরটিও বসাতে হয়, এজন্য এগুলিকে Correlative Conjunction বলা হয়।
Correlative Conjunction গুলি হলো:
So…that | Such…that | Neither…nor | No sooner…than | The same…as |
Such…as | Both…and | Hardly…when | Scarcely…when | Whether…or |
As….as | If…then | Not only…but also | So many…that | Though…yet |
So….as | Either…or | Other…than | Rather…than | just as … so |
Correlative conjunction examples
- Rahim has no car or bike.
- He wants to paint the room either yellow and blue.
- Both cricket and football are popular in Bangladesh.
- Either you will do your shopping or you will go home.
- Rojina not only cleaned her room, but she also washed the dishes.
Conjunctions exercises – conjunction for examples
- Rahim said he was sorry____ what he had done.
a) about
b) so
c) for
d) because
Answer: for - Meena went home____she was so tired.
a) until
b) till
c) and
d) because
Answer: because - This is the way____karim talks.
a) by
b) how
c) for
d) as
Answer: as - Jamal wanted to get married______he was tired of living alone.
a) because
b) for
c) about
d) as
Answer: as - Rimon was delayed ____ there was a traffic jam.
a) as
b) so
c) because
d) by
Answer: because - Either Ron____ Davie found my bicycle.
a) and
b) so
c) or
d) for
Answer: or - Moynal grilled meat for not only Tariqul_____ Shakil.
a) and
b) because
c) for
d) but also
Answer: but also - Both cats ____ dogs make good pets.
a) but also
b) also
c) and
d) so
Answer: and - No sooner had Robin finished watering the garden ___ it started raining.
a) when
b) where
c) than
d) till
Answer: than - My little brother likes not only to play video games ____ to watch sports.
a) also
b) but also
c) moreover
d) although
Answer: but also -
I was tired, ___ I took a rest.
a) but
b) so
c) and
d) or
Answer: b) so -
You can go by bus ___ by train.
a) and
b) nor
c) or
d) because
Answer: c) or -
She was hungry, ___ she didn’t eat anything.
a) because
b) but
c) or
d) and
Answer: b) but -
I will wait here ___ you come back.
a) so
b) because
c) until
d) but
Answer: c) until -
He studied hard ___ he could pass the exam.
a) so that
b) and
c) but
d) yet
Answer: a) so that -
He is poor, ___ he is happy.
a) or
b) so
c) but
d) because
Answer: c) but -
I will not go out ___ it stops raining.
a) until
b) so
c) and
d) but
Answer: a) until -
We should eat healthy food, ___ we should exercise regularly.
a) because
b) or
c) and
d) unless
Answer: c) and -
She failed the exam ___ she didn’t study well.
a) because
b) but
c) so
d) unless
Answer: a) because -
Work hard, ___ you will not pass.
a) and
b) or
c) but
d) so that
Answer: b) or
Exercise 1: Fill in the blanks with the correct conjunction.
(সঠিক Conjunction দিয়ে শূন্যস্থান পূরণ করো।)
I was feeling tired, ___ I went to bed early.
Answer: so -
He can stay here ___ he behaves properly.
Answer: if -
She didn’t come to the party ___ she was sick.
Answer: because -
I like both tea ___ coffee.
Answer: and -
You must study hard, ___ you will fail the exam.
Answer: otherwise
Exercise 2: Choose the correct conjunction from the brackets.
(ব্র্যাকেটে দেওয়া Conjunction-এর মধ্যে সঠিকটি বেছে নাও।)
You can have tea __ coffee. (or/and)
Answer: or -
I was late __ the traffic was heavy. (because/so)
Answer: because -
He is rich __ humble. (but/so)
Answer: but -
I will go out __ it stops raining. (if/until)
Answer: if -
She worked hard __ so she could pass the exam. (so that/unless)
Answer: so that
Exercise 3: Rewrite the sentences using a conjunction.
(Conjunction ব্যবহার করে বাক্যগুলো নতুনভাবে লেখো।)
He is honest. He is kind.
Answer: He is honest and kind. -
She was late. She missed the bus.
Answer: She was late, so she missed the bus. -
I will go. You must come with me.
Answer: I will go if you come with me. -
He tried his best. He could not win.
Answer: He tried his best, but he could not win. -
You must work hard. You will not succeed.
Answer: You must work hard, or you will not succeed.
এতক্ষন আমাদের সাথে থাকার জন্য ধন্যবাদ!