What is Future Tense

What is Future Tense

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What is Future Tense

What is Future Tense: Future tense is a verb form used to describe actions or events that will happen in the future. In English, the future tense can be formed in several ways, including using the modal verb “will” or the phrase “going to.” Mastering future tense is essential for clear communication when discussing plans, predictions, or possibilities. In this guide, we’ll explore the different ways to express future actions and how to use them effectively in sentences.

Table of Contents

  • What is Future Tense?
  • Types/Forms of the Future Tense
  • Simple future tense
  • Future continuous
  • Future perfect
  • Future perfect continuous

The future tense

It is used to describe actions or events that will happen at a later time. It often involves the use of words like “will” or “shall,” or phrases like “going to.” Understanding the future tense is essential for discussing plans, predictions, or intentions.

future tense exercises

  • I will visit my grandparents next week.
  • She is going to start a new job soon.
  • They will travel to Spain next summer.
  • We are going to meet at the park tomorrow.
  • He will finish his project by Friday.
  • The weather will improve by the weekend.
  • Our team is going to win the match.
  • I will help you with your homework later.
  • The plane will land in an hour.
  • She is going to bake a cake for the party.
Markers of Future Tense
Tomorrow Years to come Coming week Ensuing year
Next Next day Coming month Following day
Following Next month Coming year Following week
Days to come Next week Ensuing week Following month

Future tense also has four forms. However, one of the forms has no practical use.

the future exercises

Types/Forms of the Future Tense

The future can be used in four different forms to show how the actions in the future behave differently in various situations and they are:

  • Simple Future Tense – used to denote an action that will happen in the future.
  • Future Continuous Tense – used to indicate an action that will be taking place in the futur.
  • Future Perfect Tense – used to represent an action that starts in the present and will happen in the futur.
  • Future Perfect Continuous Tense – used to depict an action that is happening in the present and will be completed at some point in the futur.

Simple future tense

The Future Simple tense is often called the “will tens” because we make the Future Simple with the modal auxiliary will.

The simple future describes actions that will happen at a later time. It is commonly formed using “will” or “shall” before the base form of a verb. This tense is used to express plans, predictions, and intentions. Mastering the simple future tense helps you effectively communicate upcoming events or actions.

future indefinite tense exercise

  • I will call you tomorrow.
  • She will start her new job next week.
  • They will arrive at the airport soon.
  • We will finish the project by Friday.
  • He will buy a new car next month.
  • The meeting will begin at 9 AM.
  • I will study for the exam tonight.
  • The weather will be sunny tomorrow.
  • They will visit their friends over the weekend.
  • She will write a book next year.

simple future t formula

subject + auxiliary will + main verb
invariable base
will V1

I will = I’ll
We will = we’ll
You will = you’ll
He will = he’ll
She will = she’ll
They will = they’ll
Will not = won’t

What is sentence  and Kinds of Sentences

Future continuous tense

Now let’s move on to the future continuous. Generally, we use this tense to talk about things in progress at a particular time in the futur. Take a look at the form:

The future continuous is used to describe actions that will be ongoing at a specific point in the future. It is formed by using “will be” followed by the verb’s “-ing” form. This helps convey future events that will happen over a period of time.

examples of future continuous tense

  • I will be traveling to Japan next month.
  • She will be working on her project all day tomorrow.
  • They will be studying for their exams tonight.
  • We will be having dinner at 7 PM.
  • He will be playing soccer this weekend.
  • The team will be practicing for the big game tomorrow.

future continuous tense formula

The structure of the future continuous is as follows: will/won’t + be + ing form

what is future perfect tense

The future perfect t is used to describe an action that will have been completed at some point in the future.

The future perfect is used to describe actions that will be completed before a specific time in the future. It is formed by using “will have” followed by the past participle of the verb. This is useful for expressing actions that will be finished by a certain deadline.

future perfect tense examples

  • By tomorrow, I will have finished my assignment.
  • She will have completed her training by next month.
  • They will have built the house by the end of the year.
  • We will have eaten dinner by 8 PM.
  • He will have left for the airport before you arrive.
  • By next week, they will have launched the new website.
  • I will have saved enough money to buy a car by next year.
  • The guests will have arrived by the time the event starts.
  • She will have graduated by June.
  • They will have traveled to five countries by the end of the trip.

future perfect tense structure



“will have”


[past participle]

Yes/No Questions – Future Perfect Simple

To form Yes/No questions in the future perfect simple use: Will/Won’t + Subject + have + V3 (past participle) form of the verb.

Auxiliary Verb Subject Verb in V3
(Past Participle)
Rest of Sentence
Will I / you / we / they
he / she / it
have gone home by then?
Won’t have eaten dinner by the time I get home?

future perfect continuous tense

We use the future perfect continuous to show that something will continue up until a particular event in the future. We normally use it to emphasize how long something will have been happening for.

The Future Perfect Continuous expresses an action that will have been ongoing for a specific duration by a particular point in the future. This tense focuses on the duration of the action, showing how long it will have been happening by a certain time.

Structure of Future Perfect Continuous Tense:

  • Subject + will have been + verb(ing) + object + time reference

future perfect continuous tense examples

  • By next year, I will have been teaching at this school for five years.
  • We will have been studying for three hours when the test begins.
  • They will have been living in that house for six months by the end of this week.
  • We will have been traveling for eight hours when we finally reach the destination.
  • By 2025, my sister will have been working at the same company for 15 years.
  • By next week, she will have been preparing for the competition for six months.
Time Indicators for This:
  • By the time
  • For (a duration, e.g., for two hours, for a week)
  • By the end of (a future time period)

1. The bus ————( to arrive) at 12:30.

2. We ————–( to have)  lunch at mountain top café.

3. I’m sorry but you need to stay in the office until you __________ (to finish) your work.

4. I don’t think you __________ (to have) any problems when you land in Boston.


Will arrive

are going to have

Are going to finish

will have

Thank you for your patience


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